Okay so I'm always on the hunt for a great t-shirt, I fondly collect them actually collecting t-shirts run in my family and when I found this guy who literally uses t-shirts as an artist canvas I had to find out what this Art Institute of Colorado graduate was all about.
Imagine wearing a tee on a crowded bus full of broken passengers needing a God encounter, imagine someone asking you about your life because your t-shirt spoke volumes...needless to sayJewell Shine Apparel rings out an authentic note of worship in cotton grandeur.
I had an opportunity to interview Jewell Shine so that you can meet and support this Indie Heart:
What inspired you to design tees?
I was inspired to design tees because of a number of reason, primarily because I wanted to unite believers through art. There are so many young believers, and yet at times we are so divided. I wanted to use tees to point out all the things we as young believers have in common. For me this is a labor of love design and I enjoy hearing from other followers of Christ who share their stories when I show them the tees.
Your designs are different from any I've seen where do you get your concept in design?
I tend to take phrases, scriptures or biblical principles and break them down to a simple design concept that is relevant and memorable. The whole design process of just reading scripture and constantly thinking of new design ideas is the fun part, I have 100's of design idea. In a lot of the designs I do, other than biblical principles it's real important for my tees to be creative, bold and funny.
What are your aspirations in the next 5 yrs?
In the next five years I want to open FN'R to designers all over the world and allow other creative, and faithful designers to design just as I have done. I also want to expand our offerings of tee designs and other products.
What is your advice for other indie artist in serving God?
I would advice other creative and faithful designers to use their talents to proclaim God's name and to help others in some capacity. You have to be grounded and get over yourself, because although we as artist have an ability it's not about us. So we must walk a fine line of learning our craft but not letting our craft consume us. If we draw all day but can't find time to pray, we better stop and think about that.
Favorite bible character and why?
Other then Jesus, my favorite person in the bible is Joseph. He's a foreshadowing to Jesus and gives us all an idea of what it means to be successful and how to deal with success. Joseph is successful long before he is elevated in position and stature because he successfully holds on to the vision God gives him despite hardships on every side. And to make a long story short, when Joseph becomes all that God planned for him... he uses all that he has to help others.
Thank you Jewell!!!
Folks you can catch up with Jewell Shine by visiting him online http://www.freshnreligious.com