I have always been intrigued by the art of film making, and I am very fond of indie films, sometimes preferring them over the mainstream. I believe many times the character and authenticity of an artist is what truly makes their gift worth your time and in the brief moment I had to get to know this next interview I am strongly impressed with her genuine kindness and obvious love for what she does...take a few moments and get to know this beautiful indie heart...award winning film maker Cassandra Hollis
HS-Cassandra how did you get started in film making?
CH-I was working as a Producer of a local live talk show and the manager of a popular gospel group asked me to direct their music video. After praying about it, God was like 'Yes this is what I want you to do.' So I directed my first music video and it was a high concept video that we shot on film. It was like making a short film and I immediately fell in love with the medium of filmmaking. The video did very well on BET's Bobby Jones Gospel Video Program for over a year and consequently, I ended up directing my second music video featuring Dr. Creflo Dollar and the Changing Your World Mass Choir. I was hooked after that and started my production company, Holy Hill Productions, in 2003. I had studied directing in graduate school but my goal was to stay in television at that time. It was soon obvious that part of my destiny was always to be in Film.
HS-Wow that's very cool so is "Our Son Bailey" (I love the name by the way) is this your latest project? And can you tell us about it and what inspired this film? What are your other films?
CH-"My Son Bailey" was completed in 2009 and has been doing very well on the film festival circuit. "My Son Bailey" is a short film about a single, African American father (Bradley Richards) and his son Bailey having a stand off one Saturday afternoon. Bailey is approaching his 18th birthday and testing his father's limits. Mr. Richards decides to lock them both outside of the house until Bailey answers an important question.
I was inspired to do this film because it is rare to see portrayals of strong, successful, single father's who are raising healthy, normal children. So often we see negative stereotypes associated with Black male characters as well as single parenting. I wasn't raised in a single parent home but all of children I grew up with who were raised by one parent were just as loved and "normal" as any of the rest of us.
My other films include, "THE ALTAR" starring Elisabeth Omilami about a successful woman who ends up homeless and her struggle to survive with two children. WINNER OF 2ND PLACE FOR BEST FEATURE FILM at the 2006 UrbanMediaMakers Film Festival; "MATTIE, JOHNNY AND SMOOTH WHITE STONES: PARTS I, II & III" - a three part film series about a runaway enslaved couple escaping together on the Underground Railroad. It was selected by the National Park Service for the Underground Railroad Network to Freedom Program. I directed, produced, wrote and star in that series which continues to screen at colleges, schools, libraries around the U.S. and Canada. Part II was filmed in Ripley, Ohio and Part III was filmed in Ontario, Canada.; "THIS FAR BY FAITH: BARBADOS CENTENARIANS", filmed on-location in Barbados, WI, this documentary addresses the little known fact that Barbados had the second-highest per capita number of Centenarians in the world; "HUSH", also filmed on-location in Barbados, WI with and all Bajan cast. HUSH is the story of a 15 yr old girl secretly dating a 19 yr old man and the consequences she faces when she gets pregnant. WINNER of BEST FEATURE FILM at the 2009 Kingdomwood Christian Film Festival.
HS- You have some wonderful accolades under your belt, to what do you attribute the open doors and windows of opportunity?
CH-I give God all the Glory and Honor for any open doors and windows of opportunity. Also, hard work, knowing my craft and Faith in Jesus Christ.
HS- Amen!! What advice would you give to other indie artist in positioning themselves?
CH-I would advise artists to always express your truth in your art. No one else can make your imprint. It's one of a kind and God intended it that way. Also, network with organizations related to your industry as often as you can.
HS-Wise words!! Do you screenwrite as well as produce? And if someone had a great story that was film worthy what advice would you give them as the first steps they should take?
CH-Yes, I screenwrite as well. I would advise them to make sure that the screenplay meets industry standards first. Then begin to pitch it to potential producers, production houses or studios.
HS-We believe in sowing back into your community or the youth etc, what sort of ways have you discovered in giving back?
CH-I believe in sowing back into the community and the youth as well. One way that I give back is hosting free screenings of some of my films and following those events with panel discussions and Q & A's about the topical issues in the film. I have a few screenings coming up in June and will partner with teen community groups and organizations. When you sow positivity and powerful seeds of hope you reap Better Minds, Healthy Self-Esteem and a Better World.
HS- Awesome!! Thank you for doing this interview with us Cassandra, love your gift and we pray God will continue to breath on your beautiful work using you and opening doors for you and others like you, in Jesus Name!!
CH- Thanks again for the opportunity to share with your readers! A pleasure!!
HS- You can get a more in depth view of Cassandra and all that she does by visiting her online www.holyhillproductions.com
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