Monday, October 18, 2010
Interview with Author-Maurice Brailsford
Every once in awhile you come across someone whose heart bears striking resemblance to the heart of God, and this interview is one such individual. I’m very excited about this interview with anointed man of God, author Maurice Brailsford because he bears a beautiful message of forgiveness embroidered with Gods love and not only that he is also married to one of my favorite singers national recording artist Lisa McClendon. Sit and read as I chat with Minister Maurice Brailsford on his new book release “HOW TO LOVE YOUR SPOUSE’S LOVER“.
HS-What inspired you to write this book?
MB-The Holy Spirit truly it was him. The Lord showed me through a day vision of how many people right in the church that was not going to make it in because they was holding hateful things in their hearts due to un forgiveness. That scared me because the bible says if we don’t forgive; neither will our Father in Heaven forgive us. Just looking at the news, everyday there was someone being murdered or hurt due to someone holding anger or bitterness against them. We are truly living in heart waxing cold times.
HS-Yes we are, and speaking or our hearts being waxed, why do you believe people cheat and how do you find it with in yourself to trust a spouse who has cheated?
MB-Well people say they cheat for different reasons, I have heard them all. I think people cheat because they are not happy with who they are in Christ. When it all comes to a head they are not really just hurting the other person but they are hurting the Lord. If I would have held onto the hurt from my past truly I wouldn’t be able to trust the women I’m with now. My wife is constantly in the limelight, she is an International Recording Artist that is being pulled on from every direction. I found it very difficult at first to trust my ex when that happened but I found within myself to think about the eight children we had together and to know that I didn’t want to see them hurting because of my decision to walk away.
HS-I can imagine how difficult that could be to trust again, what is your response to people who say you are "insane" to forgive?
MB-Good question, I tell those same people that it is really insane not to forgive. Not forgiving is like drinking poison waiting on the person you can’t forgive to die. It really holds up your blessing. There are people who are sick in their bodies today that the Lord wants to heal but he wont until they forgive their debtors or people who have hurt them. Trust me it is not easy to forgive but when I finally forgave God Blessed me with a wonderful women that has been a tremendous blessing to me and my children.
HS-Would you do it all the same if you had it to do all over again?
MB-Well something’s I would have done differently. I trusted certain people with what was going on in my life at the time when my ex was doing her thing and instead of praying and trying to reach her in that aspect; they told her what I shared with them and it made her angrier. I needed help reaching her and they used it as a gossiping piece. Let the Church say AMEN!!!
HS-AMEN!! I hear there is a movie deal in the works, what aspect of the book will the movie portray and when can we expect the release?
MB-The movie is going to be like the love and basketball and daddies girl but in a football aspect. I have several movie producers calling but I think I have found the one. The movie probably will be released next year. It is going to be awesome, I promise.
HS-We've heard on talk shows and read in self help books how to get past the trauma of a cheating spouse, we want to know how did you do it?
MB-Wow, here we go: The Lord showed me two things when I was ready to destroy my life and their lives because of what happened to me. He showed me the whipping he took on the cross and everything they did to him from beating his back open until plucking his beard out. It was a horrible death and punishment for us. One of Jesus last words was Father forgive them for they know not what they do. That was so powerful to me because it wasn’t those soldiers that put him there it was me. He said son I did that for you. Then he showed me Stephen the Evangelist in the book of Acts that was being stoned for preaching the truth but yet he said to God on his way out he kneeled down and cried with a loud voice Lord lay this sin not to their charge. The bible say he saw Jesus standing on the right hand side of the Father. The Lord told me that the reason why he was standing in stead of being seated because he was identifying with Stephen when he was just on the cross years earlier saying the same thing. After that vision I had to forgive, I could no longer hold a grudge against my ex and her lover.
HS-Wow amen! Tell me what is the most impacting thing you can say to someone who is dealing with this right now, speak a word to the person who just found out their spouse is cheating.
MB-For those who are reading these words please forgive your life depends on it. God can not bless you or forgive you if you do not forgive others. Some of you are still holding on to past hurts from people that are not living anymore. You have to let it go because God our Father have so much more for you. What you had in the past will not be able to stand up against the blessings the Lord have in store for you. I love each and every one of you, Please read this as a end time cry out to you while the blood is still running warm in your veins. God Bless
HS-Does your ex know about the book and has she asked you to forgive her?
MB-It is funny that you ask me that she got the book today and she have asked me on several occasions to forgive her and that if she could do it all over again that she would have not did what she did. I really lift her up because this is something that she has to live with for the rest of her life. I wish her the best her and her lover well he is her husband now. I have nothing bad to say about them because I want them both to make it in.
HS-Minister Maurice you have a truly beautiful story of how God worked in your heart the gift and mercy of forgiveness and I pray many will hear your story and be blessed. Thank you so much for sharing your story!
MB-Ok Thank you so much, I just want to reach the world with this Forgiveness Peace. God Bless you!
If you would like to purchase Maurice Brailsford book “How To Love Your Spouse’s Lover”
visit him online:
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Interview with Tasha "BELLE BUTTERS" Burton
Today we want to spotlight another indie heart whose making it easy for some of us chicas to wear our naturals and have smooth like butter skin. Who am I talking about? I'm talking about St. Louis own Tasha Burton of BELLE BUTTERS
Indie Heart ~ So tell us how did you begin making Shea Butters?
BELLE BUTTERS ~ It all started when I bought my very first jar of shea butter. I was newly natural and wanted something to buy on the ground quickly and in the store. After browsing through forums about natural hair care, I decided to add oils, like tea tree and jojoba (for added benefits) to my shea and I've done this ever since. I received many compliments about how soft my hair was and since then, what I add has evolved and so sharing the list with my friends birthed the look of exhaustion on their faces. I decided then that I wanted to make and sell my recipe. I gave myself 30 days to get my business up and running and my online shop went live just 2 days before deadline.
Indie Heart ~ Where does the name Belle Butters come from?
Belle Butters ~ I knew that I wanted to sell a variety of butters, so that part wasn't hard, but then I wanted something to represent beauty. I figured the French word for beauty, belle, would work just as fine. It also rolled off the tongue easily, was easy to remember (Tasha Burton of Belle Butters for ex.), and wasn't already taken.
Indie Heart ~ What are your most popular fragrances?
Belle Butters ~ It is between the Shea-Mango Fluffy Butter which has a warm vanilla scent and the Mango Moisture Butter for Face which is scented with lavender. Coming in third place is the Mint Chocolate Butter which smells exactly like a Girl Scout Thin Mint cookie.
Indie Heart ~ Most people are familiar with Shea Butters however for those who are not please explain what is Shea Butter and what can it be used for?
Belle Butters ~ Shea butter is taken from the shea nut which grows from the shea tree. These trees are found in different regions of Africa and each tree (from each region) yields a different variety of shea butter. The shea nut is pressed and then churned, by hand by the villagers and cleaned. Some shea is sold unrefined (the best type to use), some are sold refined (which is dyed with hexane or some other bleach and not good for you), and some shea has red palm oil added to it.
Shea butter is filled with vitamins (lots of vitamin E) which help ease the irritation of dry skin, eczema, psoriasis and I've even heard that if it is massaged into sore joints, can help ease the pain of arthritis. Of course it is a wonderful moisturizer for your natural hair, and the vitamins contain healing power that can repair the hair. Shea butter also is a natural spf, and helps the skin cells regenerate which is a plus for when you and your hair are outdoors.
HerSoul Indie ~ What's one thing people don't know about your shea butters, what makes your product different?
Belle Butters ~ I do not melt my shea butter or other butters down before whipping them. However, I will melt down cocoa butter because of how hard it is at room temperature. I do not melt them down because heat can lower the efficacy of the butters. So, when you receive a jar of Belle Butters, expect it to be whipped, thick and not completely free of small bits and pieces of the shea butter. I like this because I think it stands out as a form of authenticity and instills trust within customers who have experienced "shady" products with questionable ingredients before.
HerSoul Indie ~ What sort of things do you or your company do or have thought about doing to give back to the community?
Belle Butters ~ I plan on contributing a percentage of my sales in the month of October for Breast Cancer Awareness month. Increasingly, this cancer is becoming the leading killer of women and we must be more proactive about our health care and preventive medicine. Working in research aside from my business has shown me how important money from outside sources is because grants alone just aren't enough.
HerSoul Indie ~ Where can we go to get your product?
Belle Butters ~ You can visit my online shop at and if you live in St. Louis, MO, you can go to GYA which is located 2700 Locust St, 63103.
Indie Heart ~ Thank you Tasha for this great interview, wish you well in all your endeavors and much success with Belle Butters!!
Belle Butters ~ Thank You!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Interview with Indie Film maker Cassandra Hollis
I have always been intrigued by the art of film making, and I am very fond of indie films, sometimes preferring them over the mainstream. I believe many times the character and authenticity of an artist is what truly makes their gift worth your time and in the brief moment I had to get to know this next interview I am strongly impressed with her genuine kindness and obvious love for what she does...take a few moments and get to know this beautiful indie heart...award winning film maker Cassandra Hollis
HS-Cassandra how did you get started in film making?
CH-I was working as a Producer of a local live talk show and the manager of a popular gospel group asked me to direct their music video. After praying about it, God was like 'Yes this is what I want you to do.' So I directed my first music video and it was a high concept video that we shot on film. It was like making a short film and I immediately fell in love with the medium of filmmaking. The video did very well on BET's Bobby Jones Gospel Video Program for over a year and consequently, I ended up directing my second music video featuring Dr. Creflo Dollar and the Changing Your World Mass Choir. I was hooked after that and started my production company, Holy Hill Productions, in 2003. I had studied directing in graduate school but my goal was to stay in television at that time. It was soon obvious that part of my destiny was always to be in Film.
HS-Wow that's very cool so is "Our Son Bailey" (I love the name by the way) is this your latest project? And can you tell us about it and what inspired this film? What are your other films?
CH-"My Son Bailey" was completed in 2009 and has been doing very well on the film festival circuit. "My Son Bailey" is a short film about a single, African American father (Bradley Richards) and his son Bailey having a stand off one Saturday afternoon. Bailey is approaching his 18th birthday and testing his father's limits. Mr. Richards decides to lock them both outside of the house until Bailey answers an important question.
I was inspired to do this film because it is rare to see portrayals of strong, successful, single father's who are raising healthy, normal children. So often we see negative stereotypes associated with Black male characters as well as single parenting. I wasn't raised in a single parent home but all of children I grew up with who were raised by one parent were just as loved and "normal" as any of the rest of us.
My other films include, "THE ALTAR" starring Elisabeth Omilami about a successful woman who ends up homeless and her struggle to survive with two children. WINNER OF 2ND PLACE FOR BEST FEATURE FILM at the 2006 UrbanMediaMakers Film Festival; "MATTIE, JOHNNY AND SMOOTH WHITE STONES: PARTS I, II & III" - a three part film series about a runaway enslaved couple escaping together on the Underground Railroad. It was selected by the National Park Service for the Underground Railroad Network to Freedom Program. I directed, produced, wrote and star in that series which continues to screen at colleges, schools, libraries around the U.S. and Canada. Part II was filmed in Ripley, Ohio and Part III was filmed in Ontario, Canada.; "THIS FAR BY FAITH: BARBADOS CENTENARIANS", filmed on-location in Barbados, WI, this documentary addresses the little known fact that Barbados had the second-highest per capita number of Centenarians in the world; "HUSH", also filmed on-location in Barbados, WI with and all Bajan cast. HUSH is the story of a 15 yr old girl secretly dating a 19 yr old man and the consequences she faces when she gets pregnant. WINNER of BEST FEATURE FILM at the 2009 Kingdomwood Christian Film Festival.
HS- You have some wonderful accolades under your belt, to what do you attribute the open doors and windows of opportunity?
CH-I give God all the Glory and Honor for any open doors and windows of opportunity. Also, hard work, knowing my craft and Faith in Jesus Christ.
HS- Amen!! What advice would you give to other indie artist in positioning themselves?
CH-I would advise artists to always express your truth in your art. No one else can make your imprint. It's one of a kind and God intended it that way. Also, network with organizations related to your industry as often as you can.
HS-Wise words!! Do you screenwrite as well as produce? And if someone had a great story that was film worthy what advice would you give them as the first steps they should take?
CH-Yes, I screenwrite as well. I would advise them to make sure that the screenplay meets industry standards first. Then begin to pitch it to potential producers, production houses or studios.
HS-We believe in sowing back into your community or the youth etc, what sort of ways have you discovered in giving back?
CH-I believe in sowing back into the community and the youth as well. One way that I give back is hosting free screenings of some of my films and following those events with panel discussions and Q & A's about the topical issues in the film. I have a few screenings coming up in June and will partner with teen community groups and organizations. When you sow positivity and powerful seeds of hope you reap Better Minds, Healthy Self-Esteem and a Better World.
HS- Awesome!! Thank you for doing this interview with us Cassandra, love your gift and we pray God will continue to breath on your beautiful work using you and opening doors for you and others like you, in Jesus Name!!
CH- Thanks again for the opportunity to share with your readers! A pleasure!!
HS- You can get a more in depth view of Cassandra and all that she does by visiting her online
Monday, May 10, 2010
Interview with AMP
Sometimes you need to hear something different, something still holy and Spirit filled that glorifies God while at the same time its fun and refreshing. This group who consists of CL, Sam Ock and J. Han is just that an ice cold glass of fresh anointing. Amp has a huge following among college campuses on the eastcoast and like all my interviews I found them online and just fell in love. Their one song "Humming Bird" is what caught my attention and if you listen to this song it will put you in mind of another indie, my good friend darnell levine. As I begin to listen to their other songs I felt Gods wonderful presence...we couldnt get an actual live interview because of tight scheduling but check out the interview we do have with these awesome dudes!
HS Sam Ock, J.Han, CL...Please tell us how did you all meet, and how long have you been together as a group?
AMP "See You in Heaven" was the first song that we did together as a group back in September. It wasn't until December of 2009 that we all decided to come together and create this record label and group.
Sam met J.Han through the magic of Facebook, seeing a video of him rapping a free verse to Lil’ Wayne’s “A Milli” instrumental. Sam thought James’ voice and flow were sick, and had a lot of potential, so he contacted him. A few weeks later, they met in person and made the song “Running”, establishing a connection between each other. Through J. Han, Sam met CL, and together they then created the song “See You in Heaven”. After this song, Sam Kim contacted the three with the idea to start A.M.P.
J. Han met CL through his youth pastor, who happens to be CL's cousin. They collaborated together on a track called “What You Holdin' To” and the rest is history. They continued to work together on several tracks and eventually teamed up with Sam Ock.
CL met J.Han through his cousin who pastored at their church which led to collaborating on a song called What You Holdin To and they have worked together ever since. CL met Skim (Sam Kim) at a KCM Retreat when Skim approached him with a willing heart to assist in his ministry. CL met Sam Ock when collaborating on the song See You in Heaven and now all 4 are together.
HS Wow that's interesting how God bring people together, like you I have collaborated with some wonderful people that I met on in your group what is the specialty of each group member?
Sam Ock: Producer/Engineer/Artist
J. Han: Artist/Speaker
C.L.: Artist/Speaker
HS I can see Christ is your inspiration, who/what are your other influences musically?
AMP CL: Lecrae's song “Praying for You” is what opened me up to Christian rap and seeing it as a great tool to reach the younger generation and Stephen the Levite
Sam Ock’s Artist influences: Mayer, the Reign of Kindo, TOE, Relient K, MuteMath, Damien Rice, Death Cab for Cutie, U2, Muse, among many, many, many others…
J. Han: The Roots, Outkast, Lecrae, Dynamic Duo, Drunken Tiger, Nas,
HS Sam "Hummingbird" is very unique and one of my favorites what's the story behind this song?
That is just how I was feeling at the time and I just wanted to capture the mundane things in life.
HS Cool you did a good job, its a fun song and all your other songs are beautiful I also love "See you in Heaven"...CL can you tell other indie artists the most important aspect of creating music?
AMP Express your heart and be yourself.
HS Well Said...You all have a huge following interested in your music and ministry and I see your schedule is with alot of college campuses, what are the challenges that you all face that other indie artist groups can learn from?
AMP I think one of the struggles we faced, not really a struggle, but something we had to understand was the balance between each other. As CL and Sam Ock have been doing this for a couple years individually, teaming together was something to get used to. At the same time in creating the music, we still were getting to know each other. Another struggle of course is working with everyone's schedule because as Indie artists we all go to school full-time or work full-time and serve in our churches, so always managing our time correctly is something we have to stay on top of.
HS I understand and that is good advice for other indie groups to learn time management...HerSoul is about encouraging Indie Artist to allow their gifts and talents to bless others, what sort of things has God placed on your hearts as a group to give back?
AMP We just want people to hear the message of Christ and hope they are encouraged and inspired to seek Him more earnestly.
HS Amen to us this is the best form of outreach telling others about Christ, thank you so much for your time, and Gods blessings to you! You can support AMP's music on reverbnation or go to
Monday, April 5, 2010
Interview with Jennifer "SEWFUNKY" Walker
As a jewelry designer I love meeting other designers, and it is our mode of operandi at HS to find you the best indie artist in the nation!! Especially the wild eclectic funky ones, so when I came across this young lady, a miss Jennifer "SEWFUNKY" Walker, my immediate impression with her individuality if I can coin the phrase "divertirse chic"...sit with us as we dialogue indie heart style:
HS So Jennifer how did you get started designing jewelry?
Jennifer SEWFUNKY Walker began making denim earrings for co-workers back in 2007. They loved them so I already decided that as soon as that job ended, this is what I wanted to do.
HS Did you take a class on jewelry design or did you teach yourself?
Jennifer SEWFUNKY Walker No, I never took a class. I taught myself. I just see things and in my mind they become pieces of jewelry..(laughter)
HS That’s a wonderful gift you have…and I love the name how did you come up with SewFunky?
Jennifer SEWFUNKY Walker Thank you for liking my name.
HS-No problem (laughter)
Jennifer SEWFUNKY Walker I was trying to think of a name that best described what I do..As I said a lot of my first pieces were denim and they involved sewing. I LOVE bright colors and rainbows so I figured Sew & Funky. Plus my bestie loved it!..(laughter)
HS What do you use as inspiration for your designs?
Jennifer SEWFUNKY Walker Positivity & Love. I honestly feel like every time I make a piece, it's for a friend or family member. I want the person to feel that. I am also inspired by the feedback I get from wearing my pieces. The more unique it is, the more feedback I get. So I try to be positive & unique with my pieces.
HS wow gotta love that, and I can certainly identify with you, alot of what I do is because a loved one inspired me! Speaking of inspiration tell our readers how important your relationship with God is in relation to making business decisions?
Jennifer SEWFUNKY Walker My relationship with God in relation to my biz is as important as the air I breathe. I realize that without him? I have nothing. SewFunky does not exist unless HE sees fit. So I pray about business decisions, fears, success and by giving God all the praise I can't go wrong.
HS I agree with you, its where your true success lies in HIM, so having said that what do's and dont's would you tell other young people who want to start their own business?
Jennifer SEWFUNKY Walker I would say please believe in yourself AND what you do. Everyone will not see your vision, but stick to it and pray. Don't let negativity hender you. People will talk and say what they want, but just keep going.
HS-That's whats up keep it going!!! At HerSoul we encourage philanthropy…believing that Gods heart is philanthropy at best what sort of things do you do to give back or forsee yourself doing in the future?
Jennifer SEWFUNKY Walker I have donated pieces to different local organizations as a sponsor and I will be donating a percentage of SewFunky's earnings to The Breast Cancer Foundation in the near future to honor my aunt who is battling the disease right now.
HS-thats really awesome cancer research is dear to me so I wish you well in it, I believe when you give, God sees it...I so love your heart thanks for letting us interview with you!!
Jennifer SEWFUNKY Walker Thank YOU! I am honored and I can't wait to see the finished version!
HS-Visit Jennifer's collection online
Monday, March 15, 2010
Interview with Author Shawna Harrison
Interview by: Latonja Flowers
Sexual abuse, incest, drugs, violence, self- mutilation,
these are just some of the many life challenges writer
Shawna M. Harrison has experienced and overcome.
MY TRUE SOUL: EXPLOITED, APPREHENDED, AND BROKEN WITHIN is the new autobiography for this first time author. In this memoir Harrison shares raw emotions and graphic detail of a tumultuous life filled with nothing but hurt and pain, that was triggered by childhood sexual abuse from the three men who should have been in her life for love and protection...
I met Shawna, a 29 yr old author from Tennessee through social networking sites. A current trend of our times on how much things change in media, social networking has proven useful in doing this interview. I have to first say that in meeting Shawna I began to see just how much this beautiful young soul has overcome and you would indeed think it hard not to feel broken hearted yourself if not for the redemptive measure we can now see victoriously working in this woman’s life. I believe this interview will be a redeeming seed for so many who feel they are alone dealing with past abuse.
ME-Shawna your book delves into a very serious subject please tell our readers your inspiration for writing this book?
(Shawna) God gave me this book to write, I feel very strongly that he knew that I needed to release all these emotions, thoughts, feelings, pain, discomfort, bitterness, self-mutilation that I caused to myself. I needed to write this book for me to finally be able to heal, grow, release, and move forward with the life that He has for me....
ME-I can see how writing your book helps to release the pain you went through, in authoring My True Soul..were you hoping to also reach others?
(Shawna) Writing this autobiography I had no one else in mind but myself, like I said, God gave me this book, because I have never written anything in my life, except little love notes back and forth in school. I didn’t anticipate the response that I have received from those that have truly been inspired from my PAIN.
ME-Wow it’s a blessing to see how God is using what you went through to inspire others, I have come to know this about Jesus Christ, that we can do all things through Him including live victoriously because He always causes us to triumph, even though writing this book helps you, we can see God's glory in it is far reaching because it's helping others.
The healing process can take years or essentially a person’s whole life, so do you consider yourself fully healed and if still ongoing how far in the process are you?
(Shawna) No I don’t think that I am fully healed from my past pain, but I am very much further in my relationship with God now than before, I didn’t know him at all throughout my emotional troubles.
ME-What would you say to someone in the beginning stages of dealing with past abuse?
(Shawna) NEVER STOP PRAYING TO GOD!!! Trust someone to share your story with, it will help to release it and get some counsel from someone you trust.
ME-I agree with you, it’s so important to trust in God even if you don’t know Him I encourage those reading to get to know Him... we should always pray in faith about everything and circumstance that concerns us (Philippians 4:6, 7) knowing that God is faithful to keep those issues we bring to Him. Speaking of God and church what would you want family members, friends, church leaders and Christians in general to know on how to counsel or be a friend to someone whose survived sexual abuse in their past?
(Shawna) Be extremely supportive, patient and compassionate in there walk with this pain. Not to look at it as some childhood issue that they/we should have gotten over already.
ME-You are very open about your past, being attracted to women and how you lived a lesbian lifestyle at one time. Many men and women struggle in this lifestyle, based on your experience what would you say to them now?
(Shawna) We all have to answer for our own actions, whatever the sin may be, I can’t nor will I judge. You have to walk your own walk with God just like I am. Whatever we are trying to walk away from, pray to God for it, and keep that attitude of FAITH and EXPECTANCY
ME-Amen the God kind of faith!!! Many times gifts you find working in independent artists are born through adversity and pain, what advice to other Indie's would you give on how to stay victorious in their purpose and plan for God?
(Shawna) Stay focused on God and his purpose for your life, that’s what I’m doing.
ME-Amen and never give up!! We here at believe in giving back or paying it forward...what ideas do you have for others Indies in using their gifts to give back to the community and/or the world?
(Shawna) God allows us to go through things to help others along the way, plus God blesses us to bless others.... so there you go!!!
ME-Yes I can absolutely see how impacting your book will be for those who have endured abuse in their past and I pray that God will bless you more to continue in your healing process and thank you for taking the time out for this interview!
(Shawna) I thank you dearly!
ME-Shawna’s story is one that should be told because you will gain an experience with her that through God and His promises we are victorious. Shawna currently promotes her book with local and national media and is available for speaking engagements.
Contact Info:
Visit her online at or CALL 615-719-6797
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Interview with indie apparel designer: Jewell Shine
Okay so I'm always on the hunt for a great t-shirt, I fondly collect them actually collecting t-shirts run in my family and when I found this guy who literally uses t-shirts as an artist canvas I had to find out what this Art Institute of Colorado graduate was all about.
Imagine wearing a tee on a crowded bus full of broken passengers needing a God encounter, imagine someone asking you about your life because your t-shirt spoke volumes...needless to sayJewell Shine Apparel rings out an authentic note of worship in cotton grandeur.
I had an opportunity to interview Jewell Shine so that you can meet and support this Indie Heart:
What inspired you to design tees?
I was inspired to design tees because of a number of reason, primarily because I wanted to unite believers through art. There are so many young believers, and yet at times we are so divided. I wanted to use tees to point out all the things we as young believers have in common. For me this is a labor of love design and I enjoy hearing from other followers of Christ who share their stories when I show them the tees.
Your designs are different from any I've seen where do you get your concept in design?
I tend to take phrases, scriptures or biblical principles and break them down to a simple design concept that is relevant and memorable. The whole design process of just reading scripture and constantly thinking of new design ideas is the fun part, I have 100's of design idea. In a lot of the designs I do, other than biblical principles it's real important for my tees to be creative, bold and funny.
What are your aspirations in the next 5 yrs?
In the next five years I want to open FN'R to designers all over the world and allow other creative, and faithful designers to design just as I have done. I also want to expand our offerings of tee designs and other products.
What is your advice for other indie artist in serving God?
I would advice other creative and faithful designers to use their talents to proclaim God's name and to help others in some capacity. You have to be grounded and get over yourself, because although we as artist have an ability it's not about us. So we must walk a fine line of learning our craft but not letting our craft consume us. If we draw all day but can't find time to pray, we better stop and think about that.
Favorite bible character and why?
Other then Jesus, my favorite person in the bible is Joseph. He's a foreshadowing to Jesus and gives us all an idea of what it means to be successful and how to deal with success. Joseph is successful long before he is elevated in position and stature because he successfully holds on to the vision God gives him despite hardships on every side. And to make a long story short, when Joseph becomes all that God planned for him... he uses all that he has to help others.
Thank you Jewell!!!
Folks you can catch up with Jewell Shine by visiting him online
Welcome to Indie Heart!!!
Hiiii there!!!!
Welcome to our new blog Indie Heart!!! This is the new-new blog home for your indie heart, here we will bring you great articles and interviews of the hottest indie talent on the face of this great planet. Stay locked in with us as we will be featuring the best independent film makers, designers, authors and much much more.
You can also visit us online
Paz y Amor,
Latonja Flowers
Welcome to our new blog Indie Heart!!! This is the new-new blog home for your indie heart, here we will bring you great articles and interviews of the hottest indie talent on the face of this great planet. Stay locked in with us as we will be featuring the best independent film makers, designers, authors and much much more.
You can also visit us online
Paz y Amor,
Latonja Flowers
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