Every once in awhile you come across someone whose heart bears striking resemblance to the heart of God, and this interview is one such individual. I’m very excited about this interview with anointed man of God, author Maurice Brailsford because he bears a beautiful message of forgiveness embroidered with Gods love and not only that he is also married to one of my favorite singers national recording artist Lisa McClendon. Sit and read as I chat with Minister Maurice Brailsford on his new book release “HOW TO LOVE YOUR SPOUSE’S LOVER“.
HS-What inspired you to write this book?
MB-The Holy Spirit truly it was him. The Lord showed me through a day vision of how many people right in the church that was not going to make it in because they was holding hateful things in their hearts due to un forgiveness. That scared me because the bible says if we don’t forgive; neither will our Father in Heaven forgive us. Just looking at the news, everyday there was someone being murdered or hurt due to someone holding anger or bitterness against them. We are truly living in heart waxing cold times.
HS-Yes we are, and speaking or our hearts being waxed, why do you believe people cheat and how do you find it with in yourself to trust a spouse who has cheated?
MB-Well people say they cheat for different reasons, I have heard them all. I think people cheat because they are not happy with who they are in Christ. When it all comes to a head they are not really just hurting the other person but they are hurting the Lord. If I would have held onto the hurt from my past truly I wouldn’t be able to trust the women I’m with now. My wife is constantly in the limelight, she is an International Recording Artist that is being pulled on from every direction. I found it very difficult at first to trust my ex when that happened but I found within myself to think about the eight children we had together and to know that I didn’t want to see them hurting because of my decision to walk away.
HS-I can imagine how difficult that could be to trust again, what is your response to people who say you are "insane" to forgive?
MB-Good question, I tell those same people that it is really insane not to forgive. Not forgiving is like drinking poison waiting on the person you can’t forgive to die. It really holds up your blessing. There are people who are sick in their bodies today that the Lord wants to heal but he wont until they forgive their debtors or people who have hurt them. Trust me it is not easy to forgive but when I finally forgave God Blessed me with a wonderful women that has been a tremendous blessing to me and my children.
HS-Would you do it all the same if you had it to do all over again?
MB-Well something’s I would have done differently. I trusted certain people with what was going on in my life at the time when my ex was doing her thing and instead of praying and trying to reach her in that aspect; they told her what I shared with them and it made her angrier. I needed help reaching her and they used it as a gossiping piece. Let the Church say AMEN!!!
HS-AMEN!! I hear there is a movie deal in the works, what aspect of the book will the movie portray and when can we expect the release?
MB-The movie is going to be like the love and basketball and daddies girl but in a football aspect. I have several movie producers calling but I think I have found the one. The movie probably will be released next year. It is going to be awesome, I promise.
HS-We've heard on talk shows and read in self help books how to get past the trauma of a cheating spouse, we want to know how did you do it?
MB-Wow, here we go: The Lord showed me two things when I was ready to destroy my life and their lives because of what happened to me. He showed me the whipping he took on the cross and everything they did to him from beating his back open until plucking his beard out. It was a horrible death and punishment for us. One of Jesus last words was Father forgive them for they know not what they do. That was so powerful to me because it wasn’t those soldiers that put him there it was me. He said son I did that for you. Then he showed me Stephen the Evangelist in the book of Acts that was being stoned for preaching the truth but yet he said to God on his way out he kneeled down and cried with a loud voice Lord lay this sin not to their charge. The bible say he saw Jesus standing on the right hand side of the Father. The Lord told me that the reason why he was standing in stead of being seated because he was identifying with Stephen when he was just on the cross years earlier saying the same thing. After that vision I had to forgive, I could no longer hold a grudge against my ex and her lover.
HS-Wow amen! Tell me what is the most impacting thing you can say to someone who is dealing with this right now, speak a word to the person who just found out their spouse is cheating.
MB-For those who are reading these words please forgive your life depends on it. God can not bless you or forgive you if you do not forgive others. Some of you are still holding on to past hurts from people that are not living anymore. You have to let it go because God our Father have so much more for you. What you had in the past will not be able to stand up against the blessings the Lord have in store for you. I love each and every one of you, Please read this as a end time cry out to you while the blood is still running warm in your veins. God Bless
HS-Does your ex know about the book and has she asked you to forgive her?
MB-It is funny that you ask me that she got the book today and she have asked me on several occasions to forgive her and that if she could do it all over again that she would have not did what she did. I really lift her up because this is something that she has to live with for the rest of her life. I wish her the best her and her lover well he is her husband now. I have nothing bad to say about them because I want them both to make it in.
HS-Minister Maurice you have a truly beautiful story of how God worked in your heart the gift and mercy of forgiveness and I pray many will hear your story and be blessed. Thank you so much for sharing your story!
MB-Ok Thank you so much, I just want to reach the world with this Forgiveness Peace. God Bless you!
If you would like to purchase Maurice Brailsford book “How To Love Your Spouse’s Lover”
visit him online:
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