My favorite kind of books to read are books that tell someone’s real life story, and this is one such book. This young up and coming, Author Brittany C Ursery tells her life story from beginning to present day. In this day and age of reality television where you get to watch in on a persons life this book takes you inside her life ending with an awe inspiring hook that will cause you to desire certain FREEDOM in your own life.
INDIE HEART - I know you have been asked this a lot but what inspired you to write your book, and why?
Brittany - Well what inspired me to write the book was God, when God brought me out of the (homosexual) life so many people noticed the change in me, and questioned what happened. So instead of me telling everybody individually God told me to write it down, and I know it had to be God because I never really read a book all the way through in my life.
INDIE HEART - You went into a lot of detail in your book, was your purpose to expose your life or the gay life as a whole? Why?
Brittany - Actually the book was to expose both. It was to expose my life, because the bible says they overcome by the blood of the lamb and the by word of their testimony. So every time I share my story a healing takes place in me. Also I definitely wanted to expose/scare people from even looking at or considering the gay lifestyle. I wanted to expose the secrets and all the devices satan uses to trick people into it and how hard it can be to leave once you’re in it for so long.
INDIE HEART - What plans do you have for your life now? Will you write more?
Brittany - At the moment my plans for my life is to continue to be Gods vessel, study more of His Word, but as far as with the homosexual life, I believe God allowed me to go through what I did, so people can come to me for guidance. I plan to also be married when God sends his man for me, and also to have children after I get married, and just walking in Gods purpose for me. And it’s funny you asked if I will write more, because my pastor actually said she will help me write a shorter book that will reach more teens, because she won’t promote the one I have now, she feels its too graphic. So I’m going to submit like Paul, and be all things to all people, if it causes the gospel to spread then I’m down.
INDIE HEART - If you had the opportunity to witness to someone who is struggling with fornication and homosexuality what would you say?
Brittany - Wow, that’s a toughy! Well to me I believe sin is sin. So I would try to address the root of the problem, then give them scriptures to back up both sins. For example, my accountability partner realized my basis wasn’t so much homosexuality as it was more attention based. If I would have gotten the attention from men like I did from women, I would have swayed to being promiscuous with men. And if I can’t really at the moment answer the question then I don’t mind directing them to other men and women of God that specialize in that area, until I become more knowledgeable on issues relating to fornication.
INDIE HEART - How do you feel about how the church handles issues relating to homosexuality? Do you see any success? Why or why not?
Brittany - I hate how the church is ignorant on the issue, as they are to so many other taboo issues as that’s what they call them. Now I cant speak for all churches, but I can pin point that a majority of the African American churches aren’t educated on the topic. For example, my church pushes things under the rug and addressing the issue is a no no, because we aren’t transparent enough. Now you asked do I see any success? Well at my church at the moment, no. Every week young girls are being recruited into the life and the pastors just say we will pray for them and send them to our church counselor who has no clue about this lifestyle. So its kind of sad, and I pray my church (the church as a whole) will wake up before its too late because too many people are in it too deep.
INDIE HEART - Do you now have to limit your contact with women and if not why?
Brittany - It’s crazy because God delivered me fully from having any desires from women, now women in the life that have a huge manipulative spirit, I wouldn’t spend too much time with them, because God said don’t put trust in the flesh, and though I haven’t turned back to females or slipped up since I been free, I'm not going to put myself in the situation where something could go down. I just joined a women's ministry and even though these women are all older ladies, I see them as the beautiful creations of God, that’s about it. My mind no longer goes to that sexual realm. I guess because of the renewed mind the Bible talks about.
INDIE HEART - Many may not understand why you say that but reading your book I understand how God delivered you from same sex attraction. Tell me how have you kept a renewed mind, what are some of the strategies God has given you to walk pure before Him successfully?
Brittany - I have kept a renewed mind through studying the word and hearing it. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Despite the disagreements I have with my church, my pastors are awesome at teaching the word. I live by the scripture 2 Corinthians 10:4 & 5, which says to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. so when satan brings foolishness to me, I bind it just as quick as it came. That’s about the only strategy I use, and I guess also James 4:7 to resist the devil and he will flee. I also read scriptures that tell me who I am, and I quote them. 4 example through Christ blood I have power over satan, and I am fearfully and wonderfully made, I am the head and not the tail, I am above and not beneath. and so forth.
INDIE HEART - While we are on the topic of church, there have been some who have come out of the closet so to speak to their congregations, how do you feel about those who are in leadership who do not live openly gay but are either struggling to overcome homosexuality or willing participants in the life? And should they step down from their leadership position?
Brittany - I know the answer to this question, but the problem is, at the moment I only have one scripture to back up my answer, and I’m not too sure how solid it is, but anyway I believe people who are held above reproach, should definitely step down from ministry if they are engaged in SSA (same sex attraction). Because when you are in the forefront like that, people are watching your walk, and if a younger Christian sees you doing that, they will think its ok. I go to 1 Timothy 3 when it talks about the qualifications of overseers and deacons. But I would have to get back to this question after God tells me the answer.
INDIE HEART - What would you say to someone who has a loved one bound by homosexuality, what advice would you give?
Brittany - I would tell a person with a loved one to continue to pray for them and speak life, they will need that covering. Also just love on them. Now loving and condoning are too different things. Definitely let them know you don’t accept what they are doing, but you will not disown them. Just show genuine love. Also what I feel helps when I talk to people about the life is getting to know the root. For example was it molestation, insecurity, not having a father figure, home life, those all make the difference when speaking to a loved one. And once again I’m still new to ministering in this area so I go to a weathered Christian who would have more insight, for example I have Janet Boynes book "Called Out" and its a great tool for parents, pretty much everybody, except my generation.
INDIE HEART - What one thing would you say to young girls?
Brittany - One thing I say to young girls is first they are too beautiful to engage in this life and explain to them the purpose God has on their life. Also I keep it real with them about how studs don’t love them, and to the studs how fems cheat regardless, and I scare them by giving examples of relationships that actually ended with someone being killed. I let them know how us as women are emotional beings and to just think how two women together will add so much drama. And to the studs I let them know no matter how much they try to be a boy they are not Pinocchio. (laughter) and they still have emotions.
INDIE HEART Ok reading your book it explains the terms stud and fem etc, but many who are not in the (homosexual) life may not understand those terms, can you please explain to our reader what you mean when referring to stud and fem?
Brittany - (laughter) that’s why they need to get my book to find out the terminology. (more laughter) stud is a female that portrays a male in the best way possible, as far as clothes, walk, talk, and hair. They go after feminine girls as their mates. Another name for a stud is Butch or Dom.
Fem or Femme is a female that looks like a girl and dresses like a regular girl. The way to pinpoint a fem out is if she has on rainbow attire, like bracelets, belt, tongue ring, socks and they wear rainbow belts (however some girls who wear these aren’t gay, they are just following trends). Also fems can date studs or fems. In majority of music videos you will see fem on fem action.
A Stem is a female that dresses like a Stud one day and a Fem the next. Majority of the African gay community of studs, hate stems because they think they are confused.
INDIE HEART -Reading your book was eye opening but it wasn't until I got to the end that God touched my heart, I am always overwhelm when God changes someone life, what do you think about your life in Christ now and this journey, what is the thing God has made you passionate about?
Brittany - This walk with Christ is amazing, I have peace that can’t no man understand. For some reason favor is on my life, people are always blessing me financially, I was silly in the world and that silliness carried over in Christ. So I just enjoy making other people smile. And like in all honesty I am so passionate about stopping girls and guys from considering and entering into the life. It’s just so much, that my book couldn’t even contain, from seeing my friend who was just experimenting with the life back in the day and now seeing her full fledge lesbian in the life. She used to be so cute and a hooper, now she has a huge slash on her neck, lips purple from marijuana, and she is so skinny. The (homosexual) life has taken so much on her, because like I tell people, its just not homosexuality, but drugs, alcohol, disrespectfulness, disobedience, suicidal thoughts and etc. so I know this is one degree of my purpose and God is still showing me so much of what he has called me to be and do.
INDIE HEART - Well said Brittany! Thank you this was a great interview and I pray that God can use this interview to propel you for His Glory and to really touch others lives with the power of His grace, freedom and love.
Brittany - And I just want to thank you for considering me for this interview.
INDIE HEART - If you would like to purchase Brittany Ursery’s book visit her online www.thetruthbehindthescenes.com
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Indie Heart is an organization that promotes independent artist who have a heart for Christ visit us online www.hersoul.net
What a wonderful interview and testimony!
ReplyDeletethanks so much for sharing my story, recently another guy who has a blog shared my story and I ended up on some ex gay haters blog. So I thank God that my story is getting out, and that God just continues to use me
ReplyDeleteKeep letting God use you Brittany, Blessed are those reviled for Christ sake...I'm proud of you keep going strong for our Lord and His Kingdom!